Clustering in the Book of Acts


I was told that the medical director for Mike Dewine, while explaining the impact of the Coronavirus, mentioned the world “clustering”.

Hmmmm, being the book-reading and Googling nerd that I am, I began reading and researching “clustering”.

Perhaps I’m late to the game – and all of you know this – but Wikipedia defines it as:

Cluster analysis or clustering is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar to each other than to those in other groups.

I was discussing current events with a friend of mine last night (he works as a consultant for Frisch’s and he gave them the idea to start selling staples like eggs and milk at their drive through window… cool.). He is also a small group or connect group expert and he said, “Perhaps our culture has changed in the way that we meet together. How long will it be till we want to attend larger gatherings and feel safe? People will instead cluster.”

We’ve begun to understand clustering and, as people of the Book, we need to know two things:

First, the Spirit will reveal what we need to know in the last times (words, prophecies, dreams will be given), so let’s listen carefully.

Second, there is a great example of clustering in Acts 2 and 4 with the first century church.

Clustering means that people of similar desires and methods of living and beliefs will gather together. My expert friend says that some will only want to be with others with whom they feel safe – then eschew larger groups.

What are the implications for one-on-one discipleship, connect groups, Zoom meetings, and online services? How do we make people feel safe enough to come back to our building?

We can’t assume that everything will rebound according to norm.

But let’s leave that discussion for a moment and discuss what I call the “Cluster Economy”.

What happens when people in a Spirit-filled movement become one?

Acts 2 and 4 … The Biblical Cluster Way of Life …

  • A sense of awe in the miracles and works of wonder by God
  • They were united and had all things in common
  • They continued to meet in the temple and from house to house
  • They took their meals together
  • Praised God constantly
  • Had favor with all people and God added to their number daily
  • One heart and soul
  • Did not claim ownership to anything as their own but gave it to others according to need
  • Common property and a spirit of hospitality
  • Abundant grace upon them
  • Very important … not a needy person among them

The end result of the New Testament Book of Acts and the Cluster Economy was that there was not a needy person among them! Historically we know that the Book of Acts chapters 2 and 4 church included thousands of visitors who visited Jerusalem for Pentecost became Christian and didn’t leave Jerusalem. The resident messianic Christians of the city responded with the “Cluster Economy”. No needy persons!

Again, what will change or need to change for our church to be the book of Acts church and help springboard the latter-day economy?

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