Decisions from Peace

Several years past, the Lord spoke to me in my morning devotions and told me to learn how to “make decisions based upon peace”.

I was meditating upon Philippians 4:4-7:

Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

I know this verse well; it is an old friend.

I memorized it years ago and review it often. I acclimated this verse as what I call a “life verse” as a Biblical antidote to one on my “life issues”. A life issue is an area of weakness against which you often struggle.

This life issue for me is anxiety. I memorized the Philippians passage as one of my life verses to allow my mind to be renewed daily against worry.

Amazing how life-giving memorized scripture can rescue! I have victory in my life over worry and anxiety because of God’s word.

I use my peace verses often. Whenever I sense “anxiety”, I mentally pull out my trusty “sword of the spirit” Bible verse and hack it to pieces.

During one of my battle moments with worry, the Lord told me to make decisions based upon peace. When I decide, I am to make sure that I sense the “peace that surpasses comprehension” as it “will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus”.

I have made decisions from fear, anxiety, peer pressure, prideful knowledge (thinking that I know more than others), from judgment, and from lack of money – it has not worked well. In fact, more anxiety!

Any decision not made from the peace of God brings the fruit of worry. Those beset by anxiety can be a victim of their own decisions.

Learn to recognize the “incomprehensible peace of God”. Not as difficult as it seems, because God gives it supernaturally. You don’t have to understand this peace, just recognize when it arrives.

Follow this plan:

Big Decision?

  • God of all these solutions what gives me peace?  You may need to engage in a season of prayer as your fleshly motives will often compete with peace. Quiet your soul and sense God.
  • Peace is often incomprehensible.  What gives you peace may not make any sense. It may even be extreme, but you know it is the path to peace. Be prepared at this point to make a change.
  • Run at your fears.  As you grow in Christ, He will allow you to experience situations in which you confront your fears. Don’t run away. Run toward the fear -yes, difficult – but you will find freedom.
  • Ask for provision with confidence.  Okay, you have worry and anxiety, and now God asks you to do something that you fear doing or is beyond your resources.  Ask boldly for courage and provision. Experiencing God’s provision is key to overcoming worry.
  • Stand!  I should say this several times. Stand! Stand! Stand! Once you decide based upon peace, this decision will be assailed by worldly logic, derision of friends, false foreboding, and even initial obstacles.

Let me say it again – Stand in peace! God’s word is the only solution for anxiety!

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