Election 2020 and Hope & Grace

I would have despaired unless I believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord.  Psalm 27:13-14 (NASB)

The election will be officially over Tuesday, November 3. The results should be known by the next election cycle.

My theme verse for this election is simple: “I would despair unless I believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”  

In the church that I pastor, I will have people despairing no matter who wins.

Another verse that has been important for me – please remember this passage next Wednesday, or whenever results are known:

The Lord has established His throne in the heaven, and His sovereignty rules overall.  Psalm 103:19 (NASB)

I believe this election is pivotal, but I also know God is sovereign. I will not lose my peace with the results because the ultimate results were established before creation.

Issues prayerfully considered by me helping to determine my vote have been life, violence, justice, poverty, immigration, and the economy. I have not voted according to who I liked or disliked.

I voted according to prayer and the understanding of Kingdom of God priorities in the end times.

My view from the Bible is that end times tribulation increases in both intensity and frequency. Pointing to Jesus as our hope is the reason that I blog Interruptions.

Those who vote with the hope that one candidate or the other will bring ultimate peace will sooner or later be very disillusioned. Probably sooner!

I’ve avoided “invective” and “typecasting” and “grandstanding” political discussions on social media this election as I either feel justified or angry with these comments. And I find these emotions contrary to the grace that the New Testament teaches.

Grace is the political and social issue that the Bible teaches as a solution to all problems. No other religion, neither political party, nor any political leader, can bring supernatural grace to the issues confronting our world.

Jesus can and did and will ultimately end our worldly politics with a Kingdom of truth, love, and grace. Remember, Jesus being eternal, makes “can and did and will possible”!

I have already voted. I hope my candidate wins and your candidate loses. I believe the issues that I voted for are very important and there is a lot to be gained or lost. I am right and you are wrong!!!

My final verse for the 2020 elections:

My hope in Jesus will not disappoint.  Romans 5:5

Okay, let me spin something for your humor or anger. I love listening to those who speak or write or vlog or podcast after praying, because being in the presence of God changes viewpoints allowing love for enemies and personal blind spots to be revealed.

Prayer will also fortify us when it is time to stand and face upcoming persecution, no matter who wins!

Making people mad through writing Interruptions is also a goal, as it allows you to practice grace!

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