Your Life Prayer

Will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?  Luke 18:7-8

You have been given a life prayer.

What is one concern, one focus, a desire bringing constant conviction – thinking about it one day, forgetting it, perhaps some research, bury it again – but it doesn’t go away? Maybe it is a request that God wants you to pray.

What is it? What is your life prayer? Get fanatic about it!

Have you learned about life prayers?

Consider now, what is your life prayer? Intercede and do not give up. Some will take their life prayer to the grave because God will answer in the future.


Simeon — In Luke 2:22-32, at the eight-day circumcision of David, Simeon comes to prophesy over Jesus. In verse 26, “And it had been revealed to Simeon that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.” Did Simeon pray for this? Yes, a life prayer.

Daniel — In chapter 9 of the book of Daniel, Daniel realizes that it is the time for Israel to return to the Promised Land. He begins to pray and fast. In chapter 10, we learn that Daniel prayed and fasted for 21 days before an angel appears and describes being sent by God at the beginning of Daniel’s prayer but was hindered by Satan until the archangel Michael came to help. Persevering for Israel to return to the Promised Land – a life prayer.

Russia — When Barbara and I (along with Rick and Heather Ives) arrived in Kirov in the Fall of 1992, we were met by a group of women who were crying, rubbing our arms (their form of hugging), and saying that they had been praying for years that Americans would come and preach the gospel in their city.

Pastor Grant — I have prayed for years that I would be able to fulfill the Great Commission given by Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations.

Suzanna Wesley — The mother of John and Charles Wesley (the founders of the Methodist Church). Suzanna had 11 children that she helped to educate, along with writing commentaries and organizing everything about their household.  She loved to pray for two hours a day, and in a busy house, sat on a chair in the middle of the kitchen, put her apron over her head, and gave strict instructions not to be disturbed. Her son, John, led over one million to the Lord, and her son, Charles, wrote 9,000 hymns.

The book of Revelation indicates that God allows prayers to accumulate until His timing (or tipping point), then He answers (Revelation 8). A single prayer can change history. Sisters and brothers praying together will bring the anticipated end-time revival.

What is your life prayer? Write it down; pray it often.

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