The Joy Meter

May the grace and favor of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit!  Philippians 4:23 TPT

Philippians 4:4 tells us to rejoice always.

I don’t, and I doubt that you do either. There is a “Joy Meter” in Philippians 4 by which you can measure your joy.

Remember, the more joy, the more contentment in your life. If you can measure the areas in your obedient walk with Jesus that are leaking joy, then you can apply the grace and favor of Jesus to bring healing.

The Joy Meter is accessed by carefully reading three verses in Philippians 4. I will quote them below using The Passion Translation:

God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ (v. 7).

I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty (v. 13).

God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through Jesus Christ (v. 19)!

Joy Meter diagnostic question #1:  From 1 to 10, what is your peace? _____

Joy Meter diagnostic question #2:  From 1 to 10, is God’s power released in you? _____

Joy Meter diagnostic question #3:  From 1 to 10, what is God’s provision for you? _____

Joy comes from God’s peace, power, and provision in your life.

Joy equals God’s supernatural activity working through you. Satan attacks peace with fear, power with doubt, and provision with anxiety. Discerning the nature of the attacks and recognizing your leaking joy allows God to plug the hole.

Pick your lowest score and ask the following question:

  • Lowest score peace:  What is destroying or taking my peace?
  • Lowest score power:  Where do I need a miracle? What am I doubting? (I know, that’s two questions.)
  • Lowest score provision:  What is causing anxiety with my finances?

Only pick one question today, even if you had all low scores. Ask the question above. Listen, as God will answer.

Now say, “God, I cast this anxiety onto you. I need help. Allow me to have Your peace (or power or provision) today!”

Now rest; God has it.

For further confirmation listen to this:

Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7 TPT


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