Count Your Miracles!

God has and always is doing more than you know. In a time of increasing tribulations, it is too easy to forget God’s miracles in your life. Instead, we focus on the immediate and forget the blessings, healings, and miracles from the past.

King David in the Old Testament hired Asaph to write songs of praise for temple worship. One of his songs:

Yet I could never forget all your miracles, my God, as I remember all your wonders of old. I ponder all you’ve done, Lord, musing on all your miracles.  Psalm 77:11-12

I don’t want to forget God’s miracles in my life. I want to remember them. By counting them, I get hope. Do it again, God. More and more miracles!

A partial list of miracles and wonders God has done in my life:

  • My older daughter, Megan, with an infection right after birth. I prayed and a few hours later, the fever subsided.
  • My grandmother healed of an open and running sore on her neck after attending a Billy Sunday crusade. My mother paralyzed in the hospital and healed after an all-prayer vigil by her church. My wife healed of tumors after prayer and anointing (I saw the before and after x-rays).
  • Praying for a lady walking with a limp and watching her leg grow.
  • Asking God for $100,000 on a Monday for our church to purchase a new building (yes, $100,000). The next Friday, someone walks up to a staff member in the parking lot of the old building and gives him a check for $100,000. I did not tell anyone about my request.
  • Preaching the gospel for the first time it was ever preached in a city in Russia in 1992. Hundreds came forward for prayer. When I touched them, they fell backward in what I later called a Spirit-coma. Many were healed.
  • A man I didn’t know knocked on my door to talk with me. I had not met him before. He then asked where another staff member lived. The man left my house in downtown Springfield and I called the staff member who lived in the country outside the city. As soon as the staff member hung up the phone with me, the man who had talked to me was knocking on his door. That was six miles in five minutes. The man who visited me left walking down the street.
  • Ran out of gas. Prayed, then the car started. When I pulled up to my house, the car stopped running.

The above miracles happened before 1992. I have many more that I could list. I agree with Asaph, “God, I can’t forget your miracles. They bring comfort for my needs today.”

I’ve been listening to a new song by Elevation Worship entitled Million Little Miracles:

All my life I’ve been carried by grace, Don’t ask me how cause I can’t explain.
It’s nothing short of a miracle I’m here…

I’ve got miracles on miracles, a million little miracles.
Miracles on miracles, count your miracles.
1-2-3-4, I can’t even count ’em all.

Do this now:

Take a pen and paper or open your note-taking app and write down a list of your miracles. Ask the Lord to bring them to mind – provision, peace in difficulty, salvation, healing, visitations, dreams, wisdom, insight, and mighty works.

I remember my list when I pray daily.

I get frustrated when my prayers are not answered. Then, I remember my list. My prayer recently:

More miracles, Lord, our city, our country, our world needs more miracles.

Lord, like you have done often in my life, in the Bible, in the lives of others – more miracles!


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