Early Morning Assignments

God gives assignments in the morning.

I rise before dawn and ask for help, I wait for Your words.  Psalm 119:147

In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there.  Mark 1:35

For years, if I have slept well, God’s schedule for my day reveals itself as I wake up in the morning. I always wake up about 30 minutes before I need to get out of bed.

I do three things:

  1. I thank God for giving me another day, and I praise God for one thing that I enjoy about Him.
  2. I review the three great promises in the Bible – for peace, for power, for provision found in Philippians 4:7, 13 and 19.
  3. I then ask God that my decisions, attitudes, and words will reflect seeking first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).

Then I begin thinking about the day. My tasks are given – people to call, ideas for Interruptions, something to do, planning, exercise, and what to study.

I find my morning assignments rarely take the whole day. When I am finished with these tasks, the rest of the day is free time!!!

When I talk about assignments or tasks, they are not easy. I review my need for supernatural peace, power, and provision (7, 13, 19). When I talk about assignments, it’s not a “to do” list and I don’t walk through my day fearing lightning bolts if I veer off course.

My motive for following my assignments is loving God! I have learned that my day is easier. I’m not as hurried.

It is too easy to allow our days to be guided by our lusts for money, pleasure, or the esteem of others.

Next time you see me, ask if my day is on “assignment”. I ask myself this throughout my day. Often God gives me an hour of assignments and then adds more by the hour or even by the minute.

I can get a check in my Spirit to not do or say something.

There are busy seasons in my life, and quiet ones. I’m in the busiest season of my life now – succession, changing office locations, enhancing the First Steps/Interruption ministry, selling our house, grandchildren, etc. I’m getting lots of morning assignments right now.

Wow, how frustrating if I had to figure it all out for myself.

There are seasons when I roll over and go back to sleep; quiet seasons, not much to do seasons. I have the most difficulty with these. I want to be doing something and not getting assignments tends to make me nervous.

Did I do something wrong, God? Are you punishing me?


Okay, God, I’m not hearing anything from you, so I’ll take it from here!!!

I’m learning to be calm. I’m allowing myself to have down time and learning it is a disaster to start something without first being assigned by God.

What are your assignments today?

I listen to many who have miserable mornings, afternoons, and evenings. I pray that you will find peace and purpose through God’s morning assignments.

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