Increase Your Prayer Swagger!

I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you!  Ephesians 1:19 TPT

I’m not promoting pride. I am encouraging bold prayer.

Nowhere in the Bible do Jesus, Paul, any of the apostles, the major or minor prophets, or the Psalms teach us to be timid in praying. When we pray big prayers, we honor God because He is a big God. When we pray small prayers, we reflect our fears.

I have been re-doing my prayer lists recently. A process of updating, re-asking, and re-imagining my calling in prayer. One list from two years ago had 10 requests, and while reading them, I thought, “Wow, all of these have been answered.”

Prayer swagger increased!

I thought, “If God answered these prayers, I’m praying 10 even greater prayers.” The Bible teaches growing faith, growing power, and increasing influence for the Kingdom of God. We are the emissaries of Christ and our prayers bring change.

I have hesitancy in my spirit whenever I hear words like “can’t” or “impossible” or “inadequate.”

 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.  Philippians 4:13

With God all things are possibleMatthew 19:26

Our adequacy is from God2 Corinthians 3:5

The faith approach to increasing prayer swagger is believing three concepts about prayer: I can pray for the impossible to become possible because of the adequacy of God! Read this again, think this, believe this, and your prayer effectiveness will increase.

I can: Faith needs to come off the pages of your Bible into your belief system.

Possible: You serve a God who turned water to wine, parted the Red Sea, stopped the sun for 24 hours, calmed storms, and fed thousands. He also raised Jesus from the dead.

Adequacy: Not fear, not poverty, not insufficient funds, our God is adequate.

I say often, I can pray for the impossible to become possible because of the adequacy of God!

The message for this Interruption is simple: prayer results in miracles.

Through defeat, through seemingly unanswered prayer, we must continue to grow in belief. There is an irony to praying – unanswered prayer increases determination to pray.

The great prayer warriors that I know, have calloused knees, bruised egos, and brokenness that releases the can, the possibility, and the adequacy of God.

I can pray for the impossible to become possible because of the adequacy of God!

Humble prayer swagger.

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