You Can Do It!

With the heart, one believes and is justified, and with the mouth, one confesses and is saved.  Romans 10:10 ESV

Your words influence your life and the lives of others.

Let’s consider your words about yourself. I cringe when I hear someone say, “I can’t do this,” or “I’m a slow learner,” or “I don’t want to do that.” Saying things like “That’s above my pay grade,” or “I tried and failed,” or “I’m not called to do that” – are curses.

You will never grow beyond your spoken words. Those you influence will have faith, or not, according to your words.

Romans 10:10 can also be translated:

With your thoughts, feelings, and determination, you believed and found approval from God; now with your mouth speak only words that agree with the blessings and calling of God in your life. Then speak about God’s approval to others.  Romans 10:10 OGV

Once we believe in the full salvation (freedom, forgiveness, and purpose) found in Jesus, we should not speak words of discouragement or despair. The outpouring of our words confirms our identity and plants thoughts in others.

Yes, our words determine our negative or positive influence.

I remember a high school teacher saying to me, “Grant, you can do anything that you want to do.” My earthly father always responded to my wild ideas with, “Let’s work on this together.” Your heavenly Father wants you to know that you can do all things through His Spirit who works through you (Philippians 4:13).

“I can do this” is more biblical than “I can’t do this.”

After the Apostle Paul teaches the power of your words in Romans 10:10, he continues:

For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”  Romans 10:11 ESV

A fascinating verse and the English word for “shame” means in the original Greek “disgraced, confused, frustrated, and dishonored.”

For Scripture clearly teaches that those who know Jesus should know that they will never be ashamed, disgraced, confused, or dishonored by God. – Romans 10:11 OGV

Wow? Consider the grace of our Father in heaven.

Never speak words of doubt, anger, or discouragement. They are not your heritage now. You have been changed to righteousness – living in freedom, hope, and blessing.

When you have a bad day, when you don’t feel blessed, speak blessings even louder. The words you speak form your identity – how you think about yourself and others.

True words, bold words, based on faith and not sight words, will give you the attitude that stands up to a challenge. Your life motto will be, “I can do this!”

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