Three Things To Do, Okay To Do And Don’t Do

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.  Galatians 6:7

Harvesting a blessing or a curse by what is sown in your behavior is a Biblical investment principle.

Below are three disciplines that are guaranteed to bring reward, three that can go positive or negative depending on attitude, and three that will always bring difficulty.

Always do:

  1. Be generous with finances. You can’t outgive God (Luke 6:38).
  2. Pursue your calling (Ephesians 4:1).
  3. Be a discipler (Matthew 28:19-20).

Okay to do, but keep in perspective:

  1. Get the best job that you can (James 4:13-17).
  2. Exercise and other recreational pursuits (1 Timothy 4:8).
  3. Travel (Psalm 37:4).

Never do:

  1. Love money (1 Timothy 6:10).
  2. Live outside the Biblical teaching for sexuality (1 Corinthians 6:18-20).
  3. Elevate yourself above others (James 4:6).

What we sow we reap.

The flesh, with its co-pilot “lust,” avoids the first list. Lust corrupts the second with power and pride and then focuses on accomplishing the final three.

The Spirit convicts about the lust of the flesh, the desires of wealth, and boasting pride.  God wants to give you the desires of your soul with health, prosperity, peace, and goals accomplished.

The “okay to do” list will bring blessing if kept in submission to the “always do” list, but the “okay to do” list can destroy you if subjugated to the “never do” list.

How do you know if you are trending toward the “always” or “never”? Peace. God gives peace to those who sincerely follow Him.

May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace!  Psalm 29:11

Jesus came to bring peace on earth.

Peace can’t be obtained by making a million dollars or earning a gold medal in the Olympics. Those who achieved “world-class” victories often describe that their best moments were in the striving.

Then emptiness after obtaining it.

The achievements of this world are hollow. Many have discussed the “God-sized” hole in our soul that can only be filled by God. God wants you to be happy.

Happiness is a result of peace. Jesus came to give peace. Peace is found by seeking Him first.

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